NEO Montessori Education
The Montessori method has been well tested and researched across the world for over 100 years.
Montessori-based education assists children by providing them education through carefully designed activities. Participation in such activities allows children to develop their potential and capabilities as there are no set boundaries for children to perform. They are capable of exploring and executing tasks in their own unique way.
Researches all across the globe find that children develop most of the skills in their first six years. During these years, children learn spontaneously.
Montessori education is imparted through sensory materials so that children identify the stimuli they encounter. Apart from it, children are provided with the freedom of choice of materials and freedom of movement in the classroom.
Montessori education focuses on social development. It remains a prominent factor. Children are allowed to interact naturally and spontaneously with their peers. This way, the children develop excellent communication skills through the exchange of ideas and discussions within their group. Children become more adaptable that helps them to adopt and adapt easily in any environment. The Montessori programme is self- directed and non-competitive that helps children develop self confidence so they can face new challenges effectively. Children practice the highest moral ethics like compassion, kindness, empathy, honesty, love and respect for others, all of which are characteristics of Montessori Education and NGS PRESCHOOL.
Today’s world is experiencing rapid change and regeneration due to latest scientific developments including technological advancements, progress in artificial intelligence, the rise of social media and the increased use of digital devices in daily lives.
At NGS PRESCHOOL, the NEO Montessori Method combines all the virtues of the classical Montessori system with modern technology and educational theories.
Children of Reception and Preparatory classes use SMART SCREENS, TABLETS and web-based software accounts to complement the learning process. LASER pointers are freely used in classrooms to alternate between the books in hand and the material on the walls.
The Wize Floor facility at the Upper Mall Campus is unique and offers the opportunity to children learn important concepts through play and movement.
This innovation oriented progressive approach makes NGS one of the best preschools in Lahore.
Multiple Intelligences
The early years is the most important period in life and deserves careful attention. Neuroscience studies have crystallized findings which prove that 90% of the child’s intellect, personality and life skills are acquired by the age of 5.
While every child comes with his or her own genetic make-up, we can enhance environmental stimulation to increase the child’s overall development, propelling him or her towards greater success. To be able to provide that flourishing environment, it is critical to recognize that every child is unique and will respond more to one particular learning style. That is why we have our
artists, mathematicians, musicians, writers, etc. For lifelong success, parents & teachers must find out at an early stage, the learning style that is most suited to a particular child. No child should be expected to fit into a stringent mould. Each child must be allowed to grow at his or her own pace. Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University has identified SEVEN distinct intelligences in his theory of Multiple Intelligence or MI.
Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence or MI states that each child possesses seven basic intelligences that include: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal.
In the early years, a child can develop all seven intelligences to an adequate extent; however, it is important to identify the DOMINANT INTELLIGENCE of a child at an early stage, to be able to determine his / her LEARNING STYLE. Once the learning style is known, the child will have enhanced learning capacity and will be able to absorb knowledge not possible before. In other words, we can have “Super Learners”.
The NGS PRESCHOOL curriculum incorporates Dr. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Each child at NGS is given a variety of learning experiences to identify the dominant intelligence and learning style. NGS PRESCHOOL teachers are trained to make lesson plans based on these findings. The child’s learning style and strengths are exploited for accelerated learning and holistic development.
If the parents know the learning style of their child, it is possible to cover academic ground at home, which is unimaginable otherwise. Parents can actually make their child a “STAR Learner”. This gives NGS its edge amongst other Montessori schools in Lahore.
NGS PRESCHOOL has developed a unique curriculum that we like to call the ‘FIVE STAR CURRICULUM. The ‘Smiling’ and ‘Happy’ STAR in our Preschool LOGO, is how we view each of our Preschoolers. The five vertices of this Star represent the five segments that form the core of the NGS PRESCHOOL Curriculum. The Star Learner Programme comprises of EIGHT key skills that are essential for every child’s wholesome development. The Star Explorer Programme develops the spirit of inquiry and self-directed learning among each preschooler. The Star Thinker Programme inculcates Healthy Habits of the Mind since a young age, hence nurturing a progressive, open-minded, reflective and analytical thinker for life. The Star Voyager Programme, ensures that our preschoolers are always positively engaged and learning while there are a part of the NGS PRESCHOOL environment. The Star Leader Programme, allows preschoolers to identify and develop the leader within themselves.
Our Educational Experts have ensured that our curriculum doesn’t leave any stone unturned to expand and develop the potential of your child while he/she enjoys and thrives during his or her educational journey at NGS PRESCHOOL , and emerges as the Brightest Star in the practical world.
The CHILD develops key skills and learns at his or her unique pace through Fifteen Subjects/Programmes.
The ability to learn is the most important part of a child’s development. The preschool years are highly formative and they allow parents and teachers a wonderful opportunity to develop a child’s psycho-social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills, which can last them a life time. Keeping in mind the rapid pace at which a Preschooler’s brain is developing, our Star Learner Programme is based on an amazing curriculum that ensures that each child benefits from a vast array of knowledge, ideas, activities and projects. The Star Learner Programme focuses on nurturing Fifteen Skills/Knowledge areas that are essential for the holistic development of a child.
(Arts Programme)
(Music programme)
(Mathematics programme)
(Robotics/Technology programme)
(Science programme)
(Culinary programme)
(Sports Programme)
EPL (Exercises for Practical Life)
English Literacy
Urdu Literacy
NGS PRESCHOOL implements latest research techniques in the teaching of both English and Urdu language to improve each child’s grammar, expression, speaking skills and writing skills.
Islamic Studies
The CHILD learns through project-inquiry and explores the world in a fun way.
Children ask questions…a lot of questions! How do you answer them to satisfy their natural curiosity and to instill in them a love for asking more questions? Do you provide them with factual answers or do you enable them to seek answers via fun activities and exploration adventures?
Our Star Explorer Programme is one of the pillars of the NGS PRESCHOOL Curriculum. It caters to every child’s naturally curious disposition by widening their imagination, honing their comprehension skills, instilling problem solving capabilities, creating an aptitude for team work, improving presentation skills and by developing their communication skills. This Unique Programme
develops innovative minds, creative thinkers and a lifelong love for seeking knowledge and conducting research. Preschoolers learn about the world via the project inquiry approach that helps them view the world around them in awe and wonderment and fully appreciate the innumerous blessings bestowed upon us.
As part of this 20-weeks Programme, our Preschoolers are encouraged to brainstorm to come up with ideas and topics of their interest. They are then encouraged to explore about the topic via different avenues of research. Preschoolers are exposed to a wide variety of stimulating places, ideas and experiences that enhances their knowledge about the project theme. As they discover the intricacies of the world through various innovative activities and teacher-guided processes, they gather new information and knowledge about the project theme. Throughout this fun journey, they investigate the topic and eventually choose between different modes of presentation to display their project in front of their doting parents.
This student-led learning approach is essential to survive in today’s rapidly changing environment, which requires us to continuously evolve and adapt to the changing times. Our dedicated teachers supervise the project and encourage the child to continue progress at each stage of the project inquiry journey. As a result, our Preschoolers emerge more knowledgeable, more confident, effective communicators, team players, creative thinkers and Star Explorers.
The CHILD develops positive and healthy thinking Habits that last a life-time.
A child’s formative years are exceptionally important, as it is the period when they learn appropriate behaviors and social skills that will remain with them for life. Keeping this in view, we at NGS PRESCHOOL have developed the ‘StarThinker’ Programme for our little ones. The ‘StarThinker’ Programme is designed to develop the child’s thinking and behavioural reactions according to the Habits of Mind framework.
Habits of Mind is about knowing how to behave intelligently and respond effectively to uncertainty. The framework serves as a structure that inculcates patterns of skilful thinking and intelligent behaviour within children. It teaches the child the most appropriate response for any given situation.
NGS PRESCHOOL is the first Preschool in Pakistan to offer the Habits of Mind framework to Preschoolers. We have specially curated the following 12 of the 16 habits, which are carefully infused in our curriculum, environment and daily routines within the classroom and outside of it;
- Listening with Understanding and Empathy
- Gathering Data through all Senses
- Persisting
- Managing Impulsivity
- Thinking Interdependently
- Creating, Imagining, and Innovating
- Striving for Accuracy
- Applying Past Knowledge
- Questioning and Problem Posing
- Thinking Flexibly
- Finding Humour
- Thinking About Your Thinking
Examples of Habits of Mind in Action:
A child that is trying hard to learn a new mathematical concept is encouraged to persevere and not give up until he/she achieves success. This is the habit of Persisting, which educates the child to keep trying.
Managing Impulsivity:
A child who has been pushed accidentally by his friend learns to keep calm and to think before reacting. The conscious effort behind this reaction is the essence of Managing Impulsivity.
Striving for Accuracy:
A child who checks his / her assignment thoroughly before submitting it to the teacher demonstrates a desire for accuracy and precision. Inculcating this habit in the child will ensure that he/she will constantly Strive for Accuracy in all that he/she does.
The CHILD experiences the wonders of a stimulating environment via self-directed learning.
Learning is a journey, and NGS PRESCHOOL firmly believes that the Environment plays a significant role in the child’s learning process. Environment is often referred to as the “third teacher” and we have invested a lot of time and effort to ensure that we create an environment at our campuses that dazzles the senses of our children and invites their curiosity and discovery on this learning journey.
“Star Voyager,” one of the five components of the proprietary curriculum model at NGS PRESCHOOL, is developed to allow the child to experience a
Montessori based environment that encourages self-directed learning. The Learning Spaces are intentionally designed in a way to encourage interaction, ignite curiosity, foster creativity, encourage critical thinking and to initiate discovery.
Educational toys and materials are placed in classrooms where the children can easily access them. The campus is carefully designed in a way so that children can learn at all times, sometimes even without the help of a teacher.
The CHILD develops FOUR core leadership competencies including communication, confidence, creativity and commitment.
At NGS PRESCHOOL, we believe that every child has the potential to become a leader. Leadership traits nurtured at a young age cultivate a positive mind-set leading to success in adult life. Children with leadership qualities have more control of their emotions and surroundings, and believe that they have the ability to make things happen. The aim of our Star Leader Programme is to encourage and instill Four Core competencies or the Four Cs: Communication, Confidence, Creativity and Commitment.
Program activities foster effective communication skills, whilst building self esteem and nurturing original ideas. NGS PRESCHOOL promotes Confidence
and Commitment to a task with a ‘never give up’ attitude among our Preschoolers. We create a safe and productive educational environment in which the main focus is to praise all Preschoolers on effort, hard work and perseverance. Other important core competencies inculcated through our curriculum include Teamwork, Honesty and Empathy. We also work towards developing a good work ethic in our Star Leaders, which bolsters self-sufficiency and dependability. In order to teach accountability, we have designed a Reward system through our Star Leadership Award, that is presented to our Star Leaders who work diligently towards inculcating the Four Cs, and other leadership traits. Our Star Leader Programme focuses on shaping leaders of tomorrow.